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Best Practices for Google Search Ads in the Caribbean

Writer's picture: Connective ProsConnective Pros

With so many regional users using the platform it’s important to know what works

On our most recent blog, we shared some interesting statistics on local internet users in Trinidad and Tobago. One of the stats that stands out was the fact that Google and Youtube have remained the top used websites in the country for over 5 years.

While Google Ads in most Caribbean Islands are in their infancy phase, the benefits for companies who have websites or are looking to create more brand awareness is immense. However, many local marketers are still struggling to find that sweet spot when it comes to getting the best for their money.

So here are some basic and best practices to consider if you or your company is thinking about investing in Google Ads, specifically search ads:

First off, what are Google Ads?

Google is essentially a very large and robust advertising company. They offer businesses the ability to advertise on any of their multiple and widely used platforms. However, their ads are split into five main categories: Search, Display, Shopping, Video and Universal App. Each has its own set of criteria and best practices however, we are going to focus on “Search” Ads.

What is a Search Ad?

Essentially, a search ad is a paid ad that shows up on search results on Google. If you are a Google user you may have noticed an “ad” symbol next to the first results of your search, that is a search ad. Search Ads are extremely beneficial to companies that are aiming to get more people on their website and increase online sales.

What are the best practices for Search Ads?

Avoid Using Broad Key Words

When using Google Search Ads companies have to list keywords associated with their product/service, this ensures that your ad is placed under those exact words/terms that users are searching for on Google. For example:

● A shoe business specifically looking to increase online sales on their sneakers may use keywords such as: “sneakers”, “sneakers Trinidad” or “affordable shoes Trinidad”

However, companies must narrow down their keywords as much as possible to ensure that their ads get placed to their target audience. If you are not sure how to narrow down your keywords or even about what keywords to use, you can use websites to check or find new keywords such as:


Finding keywords that work isn’t always simple. Search trends on Google can vary and keywords that work may not always be very obvious. It is best to test and tweak your keywords to find the best match for your business and audience. It is equally important that companies also add to their “Negative Keywords”. These are the terms that you don’t want to include/don’t match your offer or product. This is just an extra measure to guarantee your ad shows up to the exact audience you want. Negative keywords can be found on the sites mentioned above however some common negative keywords can be: “free” “cheap” or other specific words that don’t match what you are selling.

Have the most important information in your Headline

Google Search Ads are broken down as follows:

● Headline 1 (30 characters)

● Headline 2 (30 characters)

● Headline 3 (30 characters)

● Description 1 (90 characters)

● Description 2 (90 characters)

As you may be able to tell there isn’t much room for dialogue so your ads have to be straightforward and to the point. The messaging for Headlines 1 & 2 are perhaps the most influential parts of the search ad especially when it comes to increasing the click-through rate.

These headlines should include the main keywords you are using, the name of your business and a strong CTA, which could be the offer or benefit you are giving to the customer. For example:

● WebTT - Build a website in a day!

● Fight Acne Fast -

● Pizza & Wings - 15% off all orders.

You can interchange what information takes priority and like many things with Google Ads this is a great way to test what works for your business, audience and with the algorithm.

Optimize Your Landing Page

This practice applies to all types of Google Ads because no matter how good your ad was you need to ensure the website they are clicking to is equally favourable to Google’s standards. The user’s experience must continue to be excellent even after clicking the ad. Some factors to consider when optimizing your website:

● The page has your main keywords

● If your ad was a question or poses a question to the viewer then the website should have the answer through the product or service offered.

● Website suited for all devices. Google has a Mobile-Friendly Test that you can use to test your website.

● Seamless User Experience- easy to use and navigate from the first click to purchase.






Do you need to rethink your Digital Strategy? Connective Pros can help! Contact us via our website or send us an email at to get a consultancy for your business.


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