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Surviving Covidgeddon

Writer's picture: Connective ProsConnective Pros

We encourage panic! Yet, we must panic smart! Please don’t empty grocery stores, say that we are going to die or touch your face in exasperation. The energy placed into social media posts that politicises a global health issue can instead, develop you into a better person. The urge to panic is a natural human reaction to unprecedented events. This energy can convert into productive endeavours that can make you a competitive individual. Here are some activities that can keep you occupied and develop your professional skills.

1. Keep a Journal

We are living through a historic period. We need to continue creating art, poetry, essays, music and other forms of creative expression. We need to document our fears, our anxiety and our responses to the unpredictable environment that we live in. This journal that you create can be referenced hundreds of years from now. Your journal can also highlight the solutions that helped you coped during this period. It may prove to be useful for someone in the future. This journal can be handwritten or even posted online. We have many avenues to preserve thoughts, expressions and emotions for centuries with the advent of the internet.

2. Keep Fit

The excuses that we have created for exercising have never been original. We always say to our peers that our workload is heavy, our days are stressful or that there are never enough hours to get anything done. With stay at home measures implemented all around the world, we have added time on our hands. A daily thirty-minute workout is now possible. Resistance training using our body weight can be as effective as lifting weights in the gym. If you always wanted to shed a few pounds or tone your muscles, now is the time. You can work on your aesthetics to boost your confidence during this period of isolation.

3. Revisit Your Hobbies

As we got older, our responsibilities grew. As a result, many of our hobbies faded away. Some of us enjoyed the solitude of painting a masterpiece or writing a poem. We may have fallen in love with the idea of baking or creating music to express our feelings. We have an opportunity to revisit these passions. When last did you colour in a colouring book? When last did you doodle? What about a game of connect the dots or tic-tac-toe? There are also childhood games that we can revisit in our backyards such as hopscotch or moral. You can bring back memories that were lost while creating new ones with your family

4. Online Courses

If you are Connective Pro at heart, a ‘Stay at Home’ instruction may not sit well with you. You may miss networking with others to collaborate and reach your goals. You may think that the world of opportunity is running away from you. In fact, the entire world has stopped! We can now work at the desired pace that suits ourselves. Online courses are a great way to sharpen your skills. There are two that we would recommend; endorsed by content creators around the globe. You can check out both Skillshare and Brilliant. They offer thousands of courses to develop you as a professional.

5. Develop Business Infrastructure

Many entrepreneurs and business owners are under the impression that operations have ceased. Operations have not ceased. Our products and services may be temporarily unavailable to the majority of our customers; however, innovators, motivators, influencers, and leaders are increasing their productivity levels. They are building their infrastructure to become a competitive entity once business restrictions have been lifted. Your business must prepare for a potential surge in activity following the

COVID-19 pandemic. Only the businesses that have planned will succeed once commerce activity resumes

We encourage all our readers, followers and supporters to increase their productivity. It is not the time to procrastinate, but rather an opportunity for self-development. In regular circumstances, we are usually busy and occupied. The future is not unsure for one but is unsure for all. We must take comfort that we are not the only ones in a boat heading into unchartered waters. Humanity is moving into the unknown and we are witnessing it with every passing second of each day. We wish you and your loved ones good health and safety as we combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Connective Pros team offers several business solutions in Public Relations, Marketing, Media and Communications. When we provide tools to you, we want you to understand the most effective methods on how to use them. We want you to receive the best mileage from every product or service that you purchase from us. If you are still unsure you can always contact us via and we will happy to provide you with additional details on all our services.

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