You must be wondering what miracle ingredient that Connective Pros can give you to improve your résumé. Well we can assure you that this is not a grammar, punctuation or spelling lesson. The ingredient does not even incorporate the overall aesthetic of your résumé, but rather its initial contents. The advice that we are about to give you will drastically change your résumé’s appearance and give employers an immediate snapshot of your skills, expertise and overall purpose as a professional.
We must accept that each employer takes only seven (7) seconds to read a résumé. This makes the first third of your résumé the most important part of your entire application. This means that you have seven (7) seconds to explain to the employer that you are worth interviewing for this position. Let’s take a look at the following vacancy:
Photographer Needed for six (6) month contract!
Must have experience shooting on site!
Must have be able to communicate with people!
Must be able to work with crowds!
Any editing credentials will be an asset!
Job descriptions are usually more extensive than this, however we must have the capacity to summarise the core items that are needed to develop the first third of your résumé format. To effectively brand your résumé, the purpose of the role must be inserted right below your name. Ryan wants to apply for this vacancy and designs the first third of his résumé as follows:
Ryan G. George Dp.
Outdoor Event Photographer #16 Ville Street, Diego Martin/ 555-5555 / photographer@photographer.com
Communications Social Networking …………
Crowd Management Abstract Concepts ………….
Adobe Suite A…….. …………
Ryan may only have extensive experience in Wedding Photography. However, in the above example, you can see how quickly he is able to craft his résumé to feature the core items of the vacancy into the first third of his résumé. Ryan may dislike outdoor photography, but because of his circumstances, he has to put his best foot forward to get this six (6) month contract. As a result, he pulls the experience from his master résumé and creates a unique application for this vacancy.
The employer upon receiving this application, will be encouraged to read forward, because Ryan has successfully grasped what the employer wants. He gets inside their head, and figures out exactly what they want. If Ryan did not have the requisite experience, he would have known that this job may not have been for him, thus sending in a generic application would have been a waste of his time.
We all need to be like Ryan! Ryan understands that branding his résumé may increase his chances of being shortlisted. The job is partly about him, but it’s also about satisfying the needs of the employer first. He has great wedding shots of brides and grooms, which he can include in the latter part of his résumé, but he recognises that this information is ‘nice to know’ as opposed to ‘need to know’ for this particular vacancy.
Let us work with you on your job application and detail every section to increase the chances you have of getting into the interview. Our team has reviewed résumés from a variety of industries! We have worked with entry-level professionals, doctors, lawyers and technical specialists. Get in contact with us today!
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